



來(lái)源: 譽(yù)格壓鑄    人氣:17417    發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2019-10-29 

安裝尺寸 install dimension

凹模固定板 retainer plate

凹模 female die, female mold, negative mold

備件 spare parts

變質(zhì) modification

變質(zhì)劑 modification agent

扒渣 slagging-off

保溫爐 holding furnace

保壓壓力 dwell pressure

表面缺陷 surface defect

淬火硬度quenching hardness


側(cè)面抽芯side core

抽芯油缸core oil cylinder


抽芯機(jī)構(gòu)core puller

抽芯油缸支架bracket of cylinder


鑄件表面粗糙度surface roughness


尺寸公差dimension tolerance of casting


吹氣凈化blow purifying

除氣劑degassing flux


出渣口slag hole


出爐口tap hole


超聲波檢驗(yàn)ultrasonic test



動(dòng)模墊塊spacer parallel

鍛鋼 forged steel

氮化處理nitriding treatment


塑性斷裂plastic fracture

導(dǎo)柱guide pillar

導(dǎo)套guide sleeve

導(dǎo)向板guide plate

導(dǎo)向件guide part

動(dòng)型moving die/ejector die/movable mould

動(dòng)模座板moving clamp plate/bottom clamping plate

定模座板fixed clamp plate/top plate

定型fixed die/cover die

定模套版bolster/fixed die

頂桿ejector pin

頂出結(jié)構(gòu)ejector mechanism


吊裝孔lifting eye

吊環(huán)lifting ring

鍍鈦處理titanium plating treatment

多肉缺陷metallic projection

電火花electric spark


分流錐 divider/blast cone

分型面 mold parting/parting face/mold joint

附頁(yè) attachment/appendix

復(fù)位桿 reset bar(rod)

附件故障 accessory

覆蓋劑 covering flux



反射爐 reverberatory furnace

廢品 reject

飛邊joint flash


規(guī)格 specification/standard

數(shù)值孔徑 numerical aperture (N.A)

固定段 segment


坩堝爐crucible furnace

感應(yīng)電爐electric induction furnace

溝槽 blind scab


滑塊 sliding block

滑塊部件 moving parts

滑塊退讓 return/move back

焊補(bǔ) welding-on

橫澆道 runner

合模 die locking

橫流道 runner

回爐料foundry returns

合型 mold assembling/closing/die locking

合型力 die locking force

化學(xué)成分不合格chemical consistence analysis

澆口套 sprue bush

澆排道系統(tǒng)pouring system

澆不足 misrun

澆注 pouring

澆注斷裂interrupted pour

澆道比 gating ratio

澆包 ladle

精整dressing and finishing

精度 accuracy

接口 connector

擊傷 shot damage

金相組織 metallographic structure


金相檢驗(yàn)metallographic test

金屬型涂料 die coating/coating for metal mold

加壓速度 rate of pressure increasing

間隙 clearance


精煉劑refining flux

精密鑄造 precision casting


滲透 impregnation

集渣裝置dirt traps

夾雜類缺陷inclusion defects

夾渣entrapped slag/slag inclusion

夾具 tool fixtures

殼體 housing

開(kāi)爐 blowing in


庫(kù)存 inventory

冷卻 cooling

冷卻水管 cooling water pipe

冷卻耐壓管 cooling pressure pipe

冷卻水管用密封圈 O-ring/sealing ring/gasket ring

冷室臥式壓鑄機(jī) horizontal (cold chamber) die casting machine

冷卻系統(tǒng) cooling system

冷卻水接口 cooling water connector

冷裂 cold crack

冷隔 cold lap

鋁 Aluminum

裂紋 crack

拉傷 caught casting

拉桿孔 draw bar

螺紋 screw/thread

螺紋結(jié)構(gòu) screw structure

螺紋公稱直徑(直徑 diameter)

公稱尺寸(名義尺寸) specifiedsize/nominal dimension

漏油 leakage of oil

棱邊倒角 edge

爐料 charge

爐襯 furnace lining

爐氣分析flue gas analysis

爐前分析on-the-spot sample analysis

流痕 bloom/flow line

力學(xué)性能不合格 physical-mechanical characteristic abnormal

毛坯 rough/blank

毛坯鑄件 rough casting

毛刺 veining/burr

模芯 core

模框 frame

模槽 mold channel

模套 chase/bolster/frame

模具鋼 die steel

模具圖紙 mold drawing

內(nèi)澆口 in-gate

冒口 riser/feeder head

冒口澆注系統(tǒng) feeder head gating system

鎂 Magnesium

錳 Manganese

密閉耐壓系統(tǒng) tightness test

內(nèi)澆道 in-gate

鎳 Nickle

配油盤(pán) pressure plate

排氣塊 exhaust block

排氣槽 air vent

排氣孔 vent/venting channel

排氣塞 venting plug

配合套圓形:fitting sleeve 方型:fitting case

跑鋁 aluminum slop out of mold

噴射冶金 injecting metallurgy

噴丸清理 shot blasting cleaning

拋丸清理 wheel blasting cleaning

偏析 segregation

破壞性實(shí)驗(yàn) destructive test

取件機(jī) extractor

去除澆冒口 de-gating

清鏟 chipping

缺陷鑄件 defecting casting

氣孔 blowhole/gas cavity/pinhole/porosity

氣孔縮 blowhole shrinkage

去毛刺 de-burring

去除氧化皮 de-scaling

氫 Hydrogen

清理 cleaning

熱處理 heat treatment

熱電偶測(cè)溫孔 thermocouple well

熱電偶 thermocouple (TC)/pyod

熱裂 hot heating

熔煉 smelting

熔化率 melting rate

熔煉損耗 total melting loss

熔池 bath

熔劑 flux

熔渣 slag

水管 water pipe

三維造型 3 D

三坐標(biāo)測(cè)量?jī)x coordinate 3

上模座板 upper clamping plate

縮孔 shrinkage

縮松 dispersed shrinkage

疏松 porosity(dispersed shrinkage)

滲漏 leakage

縮陷 sink/sink in/depression

試塊 test block/test piece/coupon

實(shí)時(shí)控制系統(tǒng) real-time control system

試模 de-bugging

推板 push plate

推桿 push rod

推板導(dǎo)柱 push plate guide pillar

推板導(dǎo)套 push plate guide sleeve

凸模固定板 punch-retainer plate

銅 copper

鈦 Titanium

網(wǎng)狀裂紋 craze crack/crazing/checking

未澆滿 poured short

型芯 core

型腔 mold cavity

鑲拼處 splicing place

斜導(dǎo)柱孔 hole of inclined guide pillar

楔緊塊 wedge

型芯彎曲 core bending

下模座板 lowering clamping plate

型芯固定板 core-retainer plate

X 光射線檢驗(yàn) X-ray inspection

壓鑄機(jī) die casting machine

壓室 pressure chamber

壓室止口(定位)尺寸 dimension/size

壓實(shí) squeezing compaction

壓射 shot/injection

壓射沖頭 injection piston(ram)/plunger

壓鑄型 die casting die

壓力鑄造模具 die-casting die

易損鑲塊 wear insert

易損件 wearing parts

預(yù)應(yīng)力 pre-stress

永久型 permanent mold

硬點(diǎn) hard spot

溢流槽 over flow well

印痕 indentation

氧 Oxygen

熒光檢驗(yàn) fluorescent test

真空接口 vacuum connector

真空排氣管 vacuum exhaust block

總接頭 main connector

中接頭 middle connector

直澆道 sprue


裝配圖(鑄型裝配圖) moldassembly drawing

鑄鋼 cast steel

支架 ejector housing/mold base leg

造渣 slag forming

真空熔煉 vacuum melting

真空壓鑄 vacuum die casting/ evacuated diecasting

增壓 pressurization

針孔 pinhole

沾鋁 adhesive aluminum

直讀光譜分析儀 direct-reading spectrograph

轉(zhuǎn)運(yùn)包 transfer ladle

轉(zhuǎn)向器steering rack

柴油式傳動(dòng)叉車 Diesel forklift

復(fù)印機(jī) copying machine

服務(wù)器 Server

繪圖儀 Graphic plotter

兼容機(jī) compatible machine

材料庫(kù) warehouse

投影儀 projector

半自動(dòng)車床 semi-automatic lathe

半自動(dòng)立式鉆床 drill machine

表面粗度測(cè)量?jī)x surface roughness gauge

布洛維硬度計(jì) Brinell hardness gauge

測(cè)氫儀 Hydrogen gauge

叉車充電機(jī) charger

程控交換機(jī) exchanger

齒輪油泵 oil pump

儲(chǔ)氣罐 accumulator tank

電動(dòng)葫蘆 Gantry crane

電動(dòng)試壓泵 press tester

電動(dòng)斜切機(jī) bias cutter

電子秤 weighing scale

電子掃描儀 scanner

吊斗 spoon hopper

高壓離心風(fēng)機(jī) combustion blower

管道泵 process water pump

烘箱 oven

監(jiān)控系統(tǒng) monitoring system

簡(jiǎn)易數(shù)控車床 digital lathe

交流弧焊機(jī) Are welder

拋光機(jī) polisher

鋸床 saw

空壓機(jī) air compressor

冷凍式干燥機(jī) dryer


冷卻塔 cooling tower

立式帶鋸床 band saw

濾油機(jī) oil filter

焊接機(jī) welder

模溫機(jī) die heater

噴粉室回收設(shè)備 painter system

平面磨床 grinder

氣動(dòng)量?jī)x air gauge

切割機(jī) cut-off machine

清洗機(jī) washer

散熱器攻絲機(jī) tapping machine

臺(tái)式光譜儀 spectrograph

臺(tái)式砂輪機(jī) abrasive machine

臥式液壓拉床 broaching machine

銑床 milling machine

鉆床 drilling machine

液壓機(jī) hydraulic machine

真空機(jī) vacuum pump

時(shí)效爐 aging furnace

電阻爐 stress relief furnace

探傷機(jī) diagnostic machine

加工中心 machining center

車床 lathe

鉆削中心 drilling & cutting center

別克 Buick

切邊機(jī) trim press

冷卻塔循環(huán)泵 cooling tower pump

循環(huán)水離心泵 process water pump

脫模劑壓送機(jī) die lube station

取件機(jī) extractor

FL充癢壓鑄系統(tǒng) FL oxygen feed die cast system

裝卸車 loader

在建工程 construction in progress

撿漏機(jī) picker

紙芯式濾油器paper element filter

電磁閥 solenoid valve

溢流閥spillover valve

調(diào)速閥 speed control valve

壓力傳感器pressure transducer

三角帶wedge shaped belt

節(jié)流閥throttle governor

同步齒型帶timing belt

噴涂機(jī)spray coater

軸承(main) bearing

浮球閥 float valve/ball cock

行車bridge crane

平衡重式叉車counter balanced forklift

輪轂螺栓wheel hub bolt

制動(dòng)蹄片brake shoe

制動(dòng)液braking fluid


側(cè)護(hù)板side guard plate

單列向心推力球軸承single row radial thrust ballbearing

帶防塵蓋單列軸承single row bearing shielded

急停按鈕 scram button

三相開(kāi)關(guān)threephase switch

行程開(kāi)關(guān) limit/travel switch

斷路器circuit breaker

接觸器 contactor

中間繼電器intermediate relay

時(shí)間繼電器 time relay

控制變壓器control transformer

開(kāi)關(guān)電源switching supply

節(jié)能燈energy-saving lamp

日光燈管fluorescent tube

自整流高壓汞燈泡self-rectifying high pressure mercury lamp

電工膠布garrers/electrical tape

焊條welding rod

石筆slate pencil

外圓磨床external grinder

Hydraulic fluid oil 液壓油

Safety hook/bolts 安全鉤

Crosshead 十字頭

Tail stock 尾架尾座

Frame cover 護(hù)板框蓋

Toggle top cover 肘環(huán)頂

Coupling 聯(lián)軸器

Tie-bar 拉桿, 系桿

Control panel 控制面板

Power board 分配板, 配電板

Overhauling 大修, 拆修

Hose 軟管, 水龍帶

Warranty period 保修期

Nozzle 管口, 噴嘴

Nature tan 日曬后的顏色, 茶色

Electric fitting 電裝、

Rubber pad 橡膠墊

Shock absorbing rubber stopper 減震橡皮塞

Die height 模子閉合高度

Die stroke 動(dòng)模行程

Intensification ratio standard 增強(qiáng)比標(biāo)準(zhǔn)

Plunger stroke 柱塞行程

Plunger tip penetration 沖頭穿透力

Viscosity index 粘度指數(shù)

Rated pressure 額定壓力

Plug socket 插口, 塞孔

Ventilated 通風(fēng)的

Anchor bolt hole 地錨(腳)螺栓孔

Inlet 入口

Galvanize 通電流

Carbon grain 碳粒

Mortar 火泥, 砂漿

Stretcher 拉伸機(jī)

Earthing cable 接地電纜

Manifold 總管, 集合管

Clamp force sensor 夾緊力傳感器

Attenuate 削弱

Emulsification 乳化作用

中子線 wire for sliding

出模斜度 draft angle

隔皮 bur

掉肉 misrun

研配 grind

Turbidity 渾濁度

Refract meter 折光儀

Sediment 沉淀物

Glycol 乙二醇

Combustible 易燃的

Water-soluble 水溶性的

Grease pump 黃油泵,油脂泵

Drooling 滴料

Disulfide 二硫化物

Lithium 鋰

Gauge cock 試水位旋塞

Pressure match valve 壓力擬合閥

Lock/check nut 防松螺母

Slant 傾斜

Core sliding face 型芯滑面

Flux treatment 熔劑處理

Die clamping cylinder 模具夾緊氣缸

Clogging 堵塞,閉合

Electrode bar 電極棒

Fumigation certificate 熏蒸消毒證書(shū)

Crate 條板箱,柳條箱

Resin parts 樹(shù)脂零件

Oil ring 油環(huán)

Gear box 齒輪箱,傳動(dòng)箱,變速箱

Draft angle 出模斜度

Tap and drill gauge 絲錐及鉆頭規(guī)

Tap borer 螺紋底孔鉆

Tap cutter 絲錐刀具

Tap die holder 絲錐板牙兩用夾頭

Tap handle 絲錐扳手

Screw funnel 分液漏斗

Screw chasing machine 螺紋切削機(jī)

Screw cutting 螺紋切削

Screw pitch gauge 螺距規(guī)

Screw rivet 螺紋鉚釘

Screw vent 螺桿通孔

Rack housing 齒條罩

Rack Tubes 油缸

Cup Seals Feed Pipes 輸油管

Spools 卷軸

Recuperating Seal(恢復(fù)性密封)

Inflator Tubes 充氣.

Cut Seals Steering Hoses 轉(zhuǎn)向膠管

Biscuit thickness 料柄厚度

注油孔 oil filter point

牛皮紙 kraft/brown paper

瓦楞紙 fluting paper

崩料 charge downslide/collapse

卡涉現(xiàn)象 interference phenomenon

機(jī)械加工余量 stocking

復(fù)制模 replaced mould

偏心距 offset distance

抽大缸 pull tie bar

料頭 biscuit

抽芯 loose core

光整平滑度 flatness

Drain cock 排氣閥,放出開(kāi)關(guān)

Wrench 扳手

Stopper 塞子,制動(dòng)器

Intensifier 增強(qiáng)器

Check valve 止回閥

Orifice 孔,口

Pilot valve 領(lǐng)示閥,導(dǎo)閥

Cold shut 冷疤,冷結(jié)

Flow mark 波紋,流線譜

Shot stroke 壓射沖程

Surge pressure 沖擊壓力,脈動(dòng)壓力

Jack bolt 定位螺栓

Anchor hole 錨栓孔

Dust seal 檔塵圈

Valve cover 氣門(mén)蓋,閥蓋

Cylinder tube 汽缸筒

Piston rod 活塞桿

Piston ring 活塞環(huán)

Shot cylinder 壓射缸

Wire clamp 鋼絲鉗

Air hose 空氣軟管,送風(fēng)管

Atomizer 噴霧器

Strainer 濾網(wǎng)

Hollow shaft 空心軸,管軸

Potentiometer 電位計(jì),分壓計(jì)

Shaft 軸,桿狀物

Asbestos wire 石棉線

Pulley 滑車,滑輪

Spring washer 彈簧墊圈

Inverter 電源交換器

Cutting fluid 切削液

refraction coefficient 折光系數(shù)

Screw Cutting Tap 螺旋切削絲錐

plug gauge 塞規(guī)

color shade色澤

red lead power 紅丹粉

stress relief 去應(yīng)力

casting film 鑄型薄膜

cast form鑄造成形, 鑄型

cast house crane爐前[出鐵場(chǎng)]吊車

cast panel鑄造面板

cast rotor鑄造轉(zhuǎn)子

cast superalloy鑄造高溫合金

cast test block鑄造試塊[棒]

casting character鑄造性能

casting crack縮裂

casting fin鑄件飛邊, 鑄件披縫, 鑄件周緣翅片

casting head澆冒口

casting lap鑄件皺紋

casting scar鑄疤, 澆注疤

casting sealer鑄件滲補(bǔ)劑

casting strain鑄造應(yīng)變

casting stress鑄造應(yīng)力

spark plug 火花塞

internal-combustion engine cylinder內(nèi)燃機(jī)汽缸

hydraulics 水力學(xué)


pinion bearing小齒輪軸承

pinion cage主動(dòng)[行星]齒輪架, 差速器殼, 差速盤(pán)

pinion cutting machine齒軸切削機(jī)床

pinion head齒軸齒頂

pinion shaped cutter插齒刀

pinion spider差速器十字軸

pinion stop(起動(dòng)機(jī)的)齒輪停止器

valve housing閥套

valve actuating mechanism配氣機(jī)構(gòu)

valve air relief自動(dòng)放氣閥

valve bank閥組

valve barrel閥缸

valve body attachment閥體連接頭

valve bounce閥跳

valve bush閥襯, 閥[襯]套

valve chest gasket閥柜墊密片

valve cock閥栓

valve cottar氣閥制銷

valve disc閥盤(pán)

valve discharge centrifuge活門(mén)卸料式離心機(jī)

valve follower閥推桿

valve positioner閥門(mén)定位器



filling agent 填充劑;填料

filling auger裝載螺旋

filling compoun填料

filling funnel注液漏斗

車架 (car) frame

鈑金 sheet metal

測(cè)板 side plate

內(nèi)側(cè)板Inner side plate

焊鉗soldering turret

焊條 welding rod

焊點(diǎn) welding spot

焊接機(jī)器人 welding robot

壽命周期成本 life cycle cost

前軸 fore/leading axle

后翼子板 rear fender

切削性能 cutting characteristic

散熱性能 heat dispersion

耐磨性能 wear resistant property

摩擦系數(shù) friction coefficient

灰鑄鐵 gray iron; graphitic cast iron

過(guò)盈配合 tight/interference fit

缸套 cylinder, sleeve, barrel tube pipe

導(dǎo)軌面 guide way (face)

銑刀盤(pán) face milling cutter/facing cutter

刀盤(pán) tool pan/cutter head

磨削余量 grinding allowance

耐用性 endurance

鈍化 passivation

刀尖圓弧 circular profile of knife point

(刀具)主偏角 entering angle; planangle

彈性變形量 amount of elastic deformation

燃燒室 combustion chamber

磨屑 abrasive dust

濾器芯 strainer core

差速器 differential gear

反沖減震器 recoiling shock absorber

廢氣渦輪 exhaust turbine

渦輪增壓器 turbocharger

增壓盲區(qū) turboloch

噴油器 oil sprayer/atomizer

汽化器 carburetor

硬質(zhì)合金刀具 carbide tipped tool

精鏜刀具 fine boring tool

動(dòng)力傳動(dòng)系統(tǒng) power transmission system

spanner 扳子 (美作:wrench)

double-ended spanner 雙頭扳子

adjustable spanner, monkey wrench 活扳子,活絡(luò)扳手

box spanner 管鉗子 (美作:socketwrench)

calipers 卡規(guī)

pincers, tongs 夾鉗

wire cutters 剪線鉗

multipurpose pliers, universal pliers 萬(wàn)能手鉗

adjustable pliers 可調(diào)手鉗

punch 沖子

scraper 三角刮刀

reamer 擴(kuò)孔鉆

calliper gauge 孔徑規(guī)

hacksaw 鋼鋸

grease gun 注油槍

oil can 油壺

邊刨床 side planer

插床 slotting machine

車刀 lathe tool

車輪車床 car wheel lathe

車削 turning

Bayonet 卡口

Bearing fittings 軸承配件

Bearing processing equipment 軸承加工機(jī)

Belt drive 帶傳動(dòng)

Bending machines 彎曲機(jī)

Boring heads 搪孔頭

Boring machines 鏜床

Cable making tools 造線機(jī)

CNC bending presses 電腦數(shù)控彎折機(jī)

CNC boring machines 電腦數(shù)控鏜床

CNC drilling machines 電腦數(shù)控鉆床

CNC EDM wire-cutting machines 電腦數(shù)控電火花線切削機(jī)

CNC electric discharge machines 電腦數(shù)控電火花機(jī)

CNC engraving machines 電腦數(shù)控雕刻機(jī)

CNC grinding machines 電腦數(shù)控磨床

CNC lathes 電腦數(shù)控車床

CNC machine tool fittings 電腦數(shù)控機(jī)床配件

CNC milling machines 電腦數(shù)控銑床

CNC shearing machines 電腦數(shù)控剪切機(jī)

CNC toolings CNC刀桿

CNC wire-cutting machines 電腦數(shù)控線切削機(jī)

Conveying chains 輸送鏈

Crimping tools 卷邊工具

Disposable toolholder bits 舍棄式刀頭

Drawing machines 拔絲機(jī)

Etching machines 蝕刻機(jī)

Honing machines 搪磨機(jī)

Lapping machines 精研機(jī)

Milling heads 銑頭

Mold polishing/texturing 模具打磨/磨紋

Planing machines 刨床

aberration 色差

atomization 霧化

bank mark 料紋

bite 咬入

blacking hole 涂料孔(鑄疵)

blacking scab 涂料疤

blister 起泡

blooming 起霜

blow hole 破孔

blushing 泛白

body wrinkle 側(cè)壁皺紋

breaking-in 冒口帶肉

bubble 膜泡

burn mark 糊斑

burr 毛邊

camber 翹曲

cell 氣泡

centre buckle 表面中部波皺

check 細(xì)裂痕

checking 龜裂

chipping 修整表面缺陷

clamp-off 鑄件凹痕

collapse 塌陷

colour mottle 色斑

corrosion 腐蝕

crack 裂痕

crazing 碎裂

crazing 龜裂

deformation 變形

edge 切邊碎片

edge crack 裂邊

fading 退色

filler speak 填充料斑

fissure 裂紋

flange wrinkle 凸緣起皺

flaw 刮傷

flow mark 流痕

galling 毛邊

glazing 光滑

gloss 光澤

grease pits 污斑

grinding defect 磨痕

haircrack 發(fā)裂

haze 霧度

incrustation 水銹

indentation 壓痕

internal porosity 內(nèi)部氣孔

mismatch 偏模

mottle 斑點(diǎn)

necking 縮頸

nick 割痕

orange peel 橘皮狀表面缺陷

overflow 溢流

peeling 剝離

pit 坑

pitting corrosion 點(diǎn)狀腐蝕

plate mark 模板印痕

pock 麻點(diǎn)

pock mark 痘斑

resin streak 樹(shù)脂流紋

resin wear 樹(shù)脂脫落

riding 凹陷

sagging 松垂

saponification 皂化

scar 疤痕

scrap jam 廢料阻塞

scratch 刮傷/劃痕

scuffing 深沖表面劃傷

seam 裂痕

shock line ??跀D痕

short shot 充填不足

shrinkage pool 凹孔

sink mark 凹痕

skin inclusion 表皮折疊

straightening 矯直

streak 條狀痕

surface check 表面裂痕

surface roughening 橘皮狀表皮皺折

surging 波動(dòng)

sweat out 冒汗

torsion 扭曲

warpage 翹曲

waviness 波痕

webbing 熔塌

weld mark 焊痕

whitening 白化

wrinkle 皺紋


時(shí)效硬化 age hardening

氣體硬化 air hardening

空氣韌化 air patterning

退火 annealing

陽(yáng)極效應(yīng) anode effect

陽(yáng)極氧化處理 anodizing

滾鍍 barrel plating

滾筒打光 barrel tumbling

染黑法 blackening

青熟脆性 blue shortness

碳酸鹽薄膜防銹法 bonderizing

箱位退火 box annealing

封箱滲碳 box carburizing

輝面電鍍 bright electroplating

光輝熱處理 bright heat treatment

旁路熱處理 bypass heat treatment

化學(xué)電鍍 chemical plating

化學(xué)蒸鍍 chemical vapor deposition

大氣熱處理 controlled atmosphere

銳角效應(yīng) corner effect

儒緩放電 creeping discharge

壓花 embossing

部分淬火 selective quenching

標(biāo)簽: 鋁合金壓鑄
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